TLM Recovery

Tracy Maestrone


TLM Recovery

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there”

– Theodore Roosevelt

Why Choose a Family Recovery Coach?

A family recovery coach helps families navigate the complex and challenging journey of substance use disorder with their loved one’s active use or recovery process, while helping the family start their healing journey. A Family recovery coach is a trained and credentialed professional who offers guidance, support, and assistance to families in crisis or not in crisis and are looking to work on their healing journey.


As a Family recovery coach, I offer guidance, support, and a listening ear when you need it the most. You can feel overwhelmed, stressed, and uncertain about how to support your loved one in recovery. As your family recovery coach, I can help you to understand the addiction and recovery process, offer strategies to cope with the challenges of substance use disorder, and help families rebuild and strengthen their relationships.


Substance Use Disorder/Alcohol Use Disorder can significantly impact communication within the families’ dynamics, leading to misunderstandings, conflict, and broken relationships. As your family recovery coach, I can help you improve communication by teaching effective communication strategies, such as active listening and setting Healthy Boundaries. Improved communication can help you to express your thoughts, feelings, and concerns in a constructive and non- judgmental way, leading to open communication between you and your loved one.

Family Education

Education: Substance Use Disorder is complex. Families may not fully understand its impact on their loved one. A family recovery coach provides education on substance use disorder its effects on the individual and the family, and the recovery process. Working together we educate you to develop a better understanding of substance use disorder and the recovery process. Leading this to healing, uniting, support, and commitment to recovery.

Increased Accountability

Addiction is an isolating and secretive experience. Families may struggle to hold their loved ones accountable for their actions. A family recovery coach helps families hold their loved one accountable for their actions and choices. Increased accountability will help persons in recovery maintain their sobriety and make positive changes in their life. It will help families rebuild trust and improve their relationships.

Relapse Prevention

Relapse is a significant concern for people in recovery, and families can play a vital role in preventing it. As your family recovery coach I will work with the family to identify the triggers that may lead to relapse and develop strategies to prevent it. Relapse prevention can help families support their loved ones in recovery, identify warning signs of relapse, and take action to prevent it. Addiction can be a challenging and complex journey, not just for the person struggling with it but also for their loved ones. A family recovery coach will be a valuable resource that offers a range of benefits to families in recovery, including support, improved communication, family education, increased accountability, individual support, and relapse prevention.

Individual Support

Families in recovery have individual needs that require support and guidance. As your family recovery Coach, I provide coaching/support to a family member. This helps you work through emotions, develop healthy life strategies, and work through personal challenges. I help family members take care of themselves, reduce stress, and maintain their well-being during the challenging process of addiction and recovery.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, consider exploring the option of our family recovery coaching service.

About TLM Recovery

TLM Recovery is a resource for clients who want to be in recovery for substance use disorder. We set up tailored individual plans, as well as thorough coaching for families to initiate their healing process. We partner with both therapists and psychiatrists to ensure a balanced treatment. Our clients are motivated through each stage of the process and guided into a new chapter of long term sustained recovery. Clients will be part of our collaborative effort to establish a harm reduction model with a clinical team. We are flexible with accommodating our clients and are available for both in person & virtually.

TLM Recovery is HIPPA compliant

Family Coaching

Helping families heal themselves

Educating families on the spectrum of addiction & recovery

Coaching for individual family members to start their healing process

Helping set healthy boundaries with their loved ones

Executive Functioning Skills

Time Management


Planning & Prioritizing

Sustained Attention

Task Initiation

Addiction Recovery

Help to identify triggers 

Set & attain goals

Create budgets

Pursue academic & career options

Implement positive change in nutrition & exercise

Manage crisis if it should arise

Monthly drug testing

Daily Communication

Harm Reduction

Tracy Maestrone


Tracy Maestrone is the founder and owner of TLM Recovery Coaching LLC, a private recovery coaching service that integrates holistic recovery and intensive case management for individual clients and their families in all stages of substance use disorder. Tracy is a Certified Addiction Recovery Coach and Nationally Certified family recovery coach with extensive experience in the field of addiction, helping individuals attain and sustain recovery. Tracy has worked with a wide range of the population, including young adults and senior citizens. She partners closely with clients to create treatment plans that emphasize life skills and recovery tools. Tracy is passionate about utilizing a client-centered approach to provide clients with personalized support. She is a Professional Family Recovery Coach and has trained at The Addictions Academy. She also coaches clients’ loved ones who are struggling with Substance Use Disorder. A Family Recovery Coach will educate the family on what addiction is. Tracy is here to help with resources and the placement of your loved one, and will work on codependency and enabling issues within the family. An Action-Based Family Recovery Coach will alleviate family concerns, assist in behavioral changes and accountability.


“Thank you for being my coach. I have been able to accomplish things I’ve always known I needed, but could never follow through on. Now I am! I feel better & I know my relationship is better for it. Thank you for being there.”

– Alexis

“You have been an extraordinary resource and friend to our entire family over the past few years. Having you ride shotgun with us, has been more valuable than words can express. Your expertise and understanding in the various stages of [anonymous’] recovery was very very helpful not only to [anonymous] , but us as well.”


“Tracy is an outstanding coach who can be intensely compassionate and boldly straightforward when the situation requires. She has an unparalleled commitment to her clients and any individual or family struggling with substance use will benefit from her services.”



Publications in: Thrive Global, Authority Magazine,, WRCN 103.9 FM